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Thursday, November 1, 2018

nayan paldiya: Israeli clothing ad featuring Bar Refaeli slammed online for being 'racist,' 'ignorant' and 'Islamophobic'

"Israeli clothing ad featuring Bar Refaeli slammed online for being 'racist,' 'ignorant' and 'Islamophobic'" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2yLNNY9

nayan paldiya: Meghan Markle wore Prince Harry's jackets on Australia tour

"Meghan Markle wore Prince Harry's jackets on Australia tour" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2EXs6JW

nayan paldiya: Hero puppy who protected owner from rattlesnake wins 'Dog of the Year' award

"Hero puppy who protected owner from rattlesnake wins 'Dog of the Year' award" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2DgrBJd

nayan paldiya: Bizarre makeup tutorial suggests chopping hair off to create makeup brush

"Bizarre makeup tutorial suggests chopping hair off to create makeup brush" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2P3naYH

nayan paldiya: American Airlines baggage handler falls asleep in belly of plane, gets trapped during flight

"American Airlines baggage handler falls asleep in belly of plane, gets trapped during flight" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2SBGt9Q

nayan paldiya: Florida family adopts 28-lb cat after pictures go viral on social media

"Florida family adopts 28-lb cat after pictures go viral on social media" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2Pw8FvW

nayan paldiya: Squirrels are defacing, destroying jack o’lanterns, homeowners say

"Squirrels are defacing, destroying jack o’lanterns, homeowners say" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2CTzbIQ

nayan paldiya: Ben & Jerry’s slams Trump administration with ‘Pecan Resist’ ice cream flavor

"Ben & Jerry’s slams Trump administration with ‘Pecan Resist’ ice cream flavor" via nayan paldiya https://ift.tt/2Pw0kZi