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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

nayan paldiya: 'Bridezilla' considers asking bridesmaids to wear colored contacts so their eyes don't 'clash' with wedding

"'Bridezilla' considers asking bridesmaids to wear colored contacts so their eyes don't 'clash' with wedding" via nayan paldiya https://fxn.ws/2Cmc3kj

nayan paldiya: Gillette's 'We Believe' ad focusing on 'toxic masculinity' gets mixed response, sends upset customers to seek other brands

"Gillette's 'We Believe' ad focusing on 'toxic masculinity' gets mixed response, sends upset customers to seek other brands" via nayan paldiya https://fxn.ws/2TOkeNx

nayan paldiya: Girlfriend claims she charges partying boyfriend $50 every time he comes home late

"Girlfriend claims she charges partying boyfriend $50 every time he comes home late" via nayan paldiya https://fxn.ws/2MdWqjm

nayan paldiya: Gillette addresses 'toxic masculinity' in new ad campaign

"Gillette addresses 'toxic masculinity' in new ad campaign" via nayan paldiya https://fxn.ws/2Da3nz9